Lokeren lies 16 km from Sint-Niklaas on the Durme. The most important branch of industry in the town is textile, especially the production of linen. Get your own property in Lokeren.
Lokeren has a local history museum, several art galleries and a 49-bell carillon, endowed to the city in 1956. Lokeren counts a number of art galleries and a museum, which covers local history from prehistoric archaeology to the mid-20th century. Lokeren is well known within Flanders for an annual ten-day music fest and fair (the LokerseFeesten), which takes place during the first week of August. Lokeren is also known for its football club, Sporting Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen, which plays in the Daknam stadium. Buy your real-estate (flat, apartment, house, luxury villa, land or business/commercial property) in Lokeren.
List of real-estate agents/agencies in Lokeren coming soon.