Property for sale in Podravska region

Buy real-estate (flat, apartment, house, luxury villa, land or business/commercial property) in Podravska region

Ranking fifth among the Slovenian regions by its size and second in terms of population, Podravska region is situated between the Austrian border in the north and the Croatian border in the southeast. Its centre, Maribor, was established on the banks of the Drava river where its narrow valley opens up and the river enters the extensive Drava plain. The region consists of two geographically very different parts. The larger eastern section comprises hills on the western edge of the Pannonian Plain (among them especially the Slovenske gorice hills between the Drava and Mura rivers and the steep Haloze hills along the Croatian border), and the densely populated Drava and Ptuj plains along the Drava river. The western part of the region, geographically belonging to sub-alpine mountains, is entirely different, consisting of the heavily forested and sparsely populated Pohorje and Kozjak ranges, broken up by numerous watercourses and separated from each other by the narrow Drava valley. Podravska region is characterized by its accessibility from all sides since it lies on the main traffic route between the former Habsburg capital, Vienna, and the port of Trieste on the Adriatic coast. The region is divided among 34 municipalities, ranging from the city municipality of Maribor, the second largest municipality in Slovenia in terms of population, to smaller rural municipalities in hilly areas. 

Get your own property in Podravska region. For decades, Maribor has been "condemned" to forever being in second position in the country. Moreover, centralization even reinforced Ljubljana's prime position after Slovenia gained its independence. One of Maribor's advantageous points is its successful university providing a substantial share of highly educated graduates for Maribor and neighboring regions. Among the advantages of the region, successful specialization of agriculture in fruit and wine growing in several hilly areas is worth mentioning. In other areas, the unfavorable land ownership structure (such as occurs in Haloze in the southern part of the region) has accelerated the abandonment of agriculture, depopulation and the decline in cultural facilities. 

Find property for sale in Podravska region. Podravska region covers 10.7% of the national territory and is composed of two entirely different parts: the plains and hills in the eastern part, and forested mountains in the west. The hilly area can be divided into the low Slovenske gorice hills between the Drava and Mura rivers, and the much more dissected and steeper Haloze hills along the Croatian border in the southeast. In the west, Podravska extends into the Pohorje and Kozjak mountains to the south and north of the Drava river, an area built of metamorphic and igneous rocks and covered with vast coniferous and deciduous forests. Villages are scattered over wide ridges, reaching an altitude of approximately 900 m, while the narrow valleys are mostly uninhabited. The central part of the region comprises densely settled and intensively cultivated plains along the Drava river. The three main plains are the Drava Plain between Maribor and Ptuj, the Ptuj Plain between Ptuj and Ormoz and the Sredisce Plain on the same side of the river downstream from Ormoz. The plains are characterized by numerous roadside villages, some of them several kilometers long.

Most popular places to buy real-estate (flat, apartment, house, luxury villa, land or business/commercial property) in Podravska region are Maribor, Ptuj, Lenart, Ormoz, Pesnica, Ruse, Slovenska Bistrica etc. Along the edges of the plains are situated the towns of Maribor, Ptuj, Slovenska Bistrica and Ormoz. Only Ruse in the Drava valley and Lenart v Slovenskih goricah are not located on the plains.

Buy property in any of 34 municipalities in Podravska region: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Destrnik, Dornava, Duplek, Gorisnica, Hajdina, Hoce - Slivnica, Jursinci, Kidricevo, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Majsperk, Maribor, Markovci, Miklavz na Dravskem polju, Oplotnica, Ormoz, Pesnica, Podlehnik, Ptuj, Race - Fram, Ruse, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenska Bistrica, Starse, Sveta Ana, Sveti Andraz v Slovenskih goricah, Sentilj, Trnovska vas, Videm, Zavrc and Zetale.

List of real-estate agents/agencies in Podravska region coming soon.

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